Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Welcome to Term 3!

Welcome back to all Victorian teachers who, this week, have kicked off Term 3. We hope you have had a great start and are settling back into your school routines (or even starting some new ones!).
Planning has been a key emphasis this week and I (Kerry) have enjoyed spending time with staff - crouched over laptops, undertaking professional reading, exploring resources and text books, and discussing all things 'curriculum'. A special shout out to our 1/2 Team (C, A & J!) for their efforts on Tuesday!
In preparation for this term, we are adding extra units of work. 'Shaping Up’ is a unit of work for Year One and Two students, on 2D shapes and 3D objects. Students explore the language and features of both 2D shapes and 3D objects, as well as look at these in their environment. It includes a variety of graphic organsiers, along with a range of independent/small group problem solving tasks. 'Shaping Up' covers all iSURF elelments...
individual goals     problem Solving     Understanding     Reasoning      and     Fluency
Keep your eyes open for an accompanying unit of work on shapes and transformation - coming soon!
 Feel free to contact us with feedback, comments and requests at

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