Sunday 20 October 2013

Maths Linky - 20th October

Hangman is often used as a tool to get students to focus on the use, meaning or spelling of a word in our Literacy programs. However, I find it just as useful in my Numeracy teaching!
I often use Hangman as a tuning in game, or, as I am waiting for all students to come back together at the end of a lesson. I use words that I believe are key to developing fluency in the maths topic we are currently studing. I also invite students to select relevant mathematical words and host the game as well.
Hangman Rules: 
  • Think of a relevant mathematical word, work out the number of letters it has and place that many blank lines on the board
  • Invite students to guess a letter, if it is in the word you have selected,  write it in the correct blank spot
  • If the letter is incorrect - begin to draw the Hangman picture (there are many variations of this stick figure picture - the less detail you include, the less guesses students will have)
  • If the students guess the word before the Hangman is drawn - they win. If the Hangman is drawn before they work out the word - the teacher wins
  • Discuss each of the words you use and ensure students are clear on their meaning and use

Let us know if you have any other great games that assist students in developing their Fluency (or other SURF areas)!
1. Post a game

2. Copy our button and link back to here with your post

3. Add your button to the linky below - so we can check out your post


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