Wednesday 28 August 2013

Fraction Bingo

Level 3 & 4
Number - Fractions
Fraction Bingo is designed to allow students to recognise and match each of the fractions they are expected to know (at AusVELS Level 3 and 4), in the various ways they can be represented.

Fractions are represented by:
      Region model
      Two language forms
      Fractions of a collection
      On a number line
      Decimal notation (Level Four)

Print Bingo Cards in colour and laminate for long term use.
This game is designed to be used in conjunction with iSURF© Fraction Cards but could be used with fraction dice. Cards or dice need to have combinations of halves, thirds, fourths, fifths, eighths and tenths.

Fraction Bingo includes 2 sets of cards. Each set has 8 cards, all with a variety of fraction representations. The first set caters for students in Level 3 (using the region model, both language representations, fractions of a collection, and number lines. The second set also includes decimal representations).

To play Fraction Bingo…
  • Groups can have up to 9 people playing – 1 to shuffle and deal out cards (or roll dice), 8 with Bingo Cards
  • Decide which set of cards you wish to use (with or without decimal fractions) and distribute these to students. Ensure students have time to look at their cards and discuss the fractions/decimals they have
  • Elect one person to shuffle and show the Fraction Cards (or roll fraction dice) one at a time. Students use a counter to mark off the  matching fractions they have on their card. Fraction cards that have been shown are placed in a neat pile and will be used at the end of the game to check the winner’s Bingo card
  • When students have 3 fractions in a row, they call out ‘BINGO!’
  • The person showing the fractions checks their answers – if they are all correct, they are the winner. Students swap roles and cards & play again
  • Students can match the whole Fraction Bingo card before calling out ‘BINGO!’
  • Set a time limit for how long each Fraction Card is shown for eg 5 seconds
  • Students can directly match the fraction cards to their Bingo Card ie ‘region model’ to the same ‘region model’, ‘fraction of a collection’ to the same ‘fraction of a collection’
  • Students must match any fraction representation to the same fraction, but in a different representation for example, region model to language form 1 half
  • Students can only match equivalent fractions, for example; 2 fourths to 4 eights
  • As an extension, students can match equivalent fractions in any representation (including decimals)
If you have any requests for other cards or bingo sets...
please let us know!

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