Sunday 6 April 2014

Sunday Night Games

This week, we return to our series on card games for kids - with a focus on games suitable for Year 3/4 students.

Go Fish

Number of players: 2+
Cards: Standard deck of 52 cards
How to play: choose a “dealer” to hand out cards. If there are two or three players, each player is dealt seven cards. If there are more people playing, each player is dealt five cards. The remaining cards are placed face down in a pile. This is the “fish pond.”

Each player sorts their cards into groups of the same number or suit (i.e. group of threes or group of kings), making sure not to show anyone. The “requester” (person to the left of the dealer) starts the game by asking any other player for cards that will match his hand. For example, if the requester has two kings, he will ask the other player for kings. If the other player has these cards, he must hand them over. The requester continues asking the same player for more cards until the player does not have the cards he wants. If the player does not have the right cards, he can tell the requester to “Go fish.” The requester then has to take one card from the “fish pond.” The player who told him to “Go fish” becomes the new requester.

Anyone who collects all four cards of a set (i.e. all four eights or all four Queens) puts them face down in front of him. The winner is the first person to have no single cards left, only complete sets. If two people run out of cards together, the player with the most sets wins the game.

Times of War

Number of players: 2
Cards: remove picture cards from a standard deck of 52 cards
How to play:
This game builds on the original game of War (based on addition).
All number cards are dealt to the two players and kept face down. Neither player looks at their cards. Both players turn over the top card in their pile and put it face up in the centre of the table (beside the other player’s card).
The first person to correctly multiply the two cards together wins that war, they take the two cards and add them to the bottom of their pile. (You may wish for some students to use a calculator or concrete materials for support.) The game is won by the player who collects all of the cards.
This game can be modified to suit student’s individual ability levels by removing cards. This game also provides a great opportunity to teach students about the most effective strategies for mental multiplication and reinforcing automaticity.
Try to match students with similar abilities. A ‘War Tournament’ can be held to challenge students to develop their mental calculation skills – consider running multiple tournaments with students of similar abilities.

Basic Gin Rummy (no scoring)

Number of players: 2 - 4
Cards: standard deck of 52
Players are dealt 7 cards each and the remaining cards are put in the middle, with one card turned up to start the discard pile.
The aim of the game is to make sets and runs. Sets are 3 or 4 cards of the same number (eg 3 of diamonds, 3 of clubs and 3 of spades), runs are 3 or more cards in consecutive order and in the same suit (eg 5 of hearts, 6 of hearts, 7 of hearts and 8 of hearts).

Players take it in turns to pick up one card from either the face down cards (the stack) or the discard pile in the middle. Then, consider if you are able to/would like to place a set or a run in front of you. Even if you have a set or run – you may choose to keep this in your hand until later. To finish your turn – you must discard a card.
During your turn and once there are sets or runs on the table (in front of yourself or other players) you can choose to add cards to these.
If the stack runs out – shuffle the discard pile, turn over the top card and continue play.
The winner is the player who is able to get rid of all of the cards in their hand.
Please feel free to add your own suggestions of card games that you enjoy.
To all of our Victorian followers - HAPPY HOLIDAYS

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